Minutes for July 2022

Meeting Called to order at 06:05PM by Sheldon

Present at Meeting:

Special Guests:

Board President, Sheldon, introduced guests and turned meeting over to Amanda Folendorf, District 4 Supervisor, and Rebecca Turner County Recorder for issuing the oath of office and certification of appointments for board members Sheldon Toso, Ken Cox and Todd Vanden Bosch by the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors at the July 12, 2022 Calaveras Board Meeting where Rebecca performed the oath of office to the three appointed Directors.

With a quorum of three appointed Directors: Sheldon, Todd, and Ken, the Board members at large Adam Robertson and Michael Daniels were appointed into office with a motion from Todd and a 2nd by Ken. Vote of 3/0 Yes.

Adam and Michael were then also given the oath of office and sworn in by Rebecca Turner. Amanda explained the appointments will be until December 2, 2022.

For the elections in November, board candidates will need to file their intention to run for a full term between July 18th and August 12th at the Recorders Office.


Open Forum: Member comments, issues and/or complaints


Director’s comments: (none)


Board Minutes:


Financial Report:


New Business:

The Copper Cove Rocky Road Community Services District (CCRRCSD) Board Directors were appointed and Certified.

Document files (Ken and Mike)

Computer system upgrade (Adam)


Road Plan was carried over.


Old Business:

Roadside ditch erosion:

Meeting Adjourned 7:10PM