Minutes for May 2024

President John Howsden called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.


Officer’s Reports:

Public Announcements: None

Unfinished business: None


New Business:

  1. Open discussion with Steve Palmer on the possibility of including the winter’s emergency road damage repairs into the Micro-Surfacing project for 2024, and a vote to do so allowing the funds set aside to be merged with the Micro-Surfacing project budget.
  1. Approve the plans and specifications of the 2024 Micro-Surfacing Project and authorize advertising for bids.
  1. Progress report on hiring Adam Robertson for IT support.
  1. Resolving a claim by a driver who broke his side view mirror while driving down Black Creek Drive.
  1. Approve $3500 worth of tree services for the District.
  1. 2024/2025 budget.

Adjournment: 7:03 p.m.