Stop Signs and Tree Trimming

Recently, the District needed several small tasks completed, so we met Brandon Cole, the owner/operator of BMC Yard Services. We told him we needed the following: two stop signs replaced, one 40 mph speed sign installed, three trees trimmed and an old well-used mattress hauled away that was laying on the side of the road. He explained that he was just starting out with his business and welcomed the opportunity to work for the District. When asked if he had insurance, he said, “No, but I will get some.” Later that week, Brandon dropped off a copy of his newly purchased insurance policy with the District named as an additional insured. Early Sunday morning, Brandon pulled into my drive way. We loaded up his truck with the signs, poles, cement, tools and headed out to Cheyenne Rd. and Salmon Rd. where the stop sign has been missing for who knows how long. Brandon found the hole where the snapped off post was still embedded in concrete. I told him to start with that, and “I’d go hang a new stop sign at Pamo Ct. and Choctaw Rd. The old stop sign at Pamo Ct. was faded beyond recognition. If that wasn’t enough, two large bushes were growing directly in front of it. Kevin, a near-by homeowner, who had a compression bandage on his left ankle, came limping over. When he saw me having a hard time with the rusted bolts, he said, “Let me get my impact drill.” While he limped back to his house, I cut down the bushes. When Kevin returned, he dragged the branches to his burn pile, saving us the work of hauling them away. Thanks Kevin. Once I was done at Pamo Ct., I headed back to Brando’s location. Brandon had the hole dug and was putting in the pole when I drove up. Once the pole was up, the stop sign was attached. We stepped back to admire our work when a homeowner by the name of Forest walked over carrying two bottles of water. He handed us the water and thanked us for putting up the new sign. He said, “I installed signs for a living. You know, the big ones you see along the freeway. I retired two weeks ago.” That would explain why he was grinning all the time hew was talking to us. Thanks for the water Forest. Since Brandon had already picked up the mattress a few days before, and I had already installed the 40 mph sign at Papoose Dr., all we had left was to trim the tree at Cheyenne Rd. and Copper Cove Dr. We trimmed the branches so the stop sign was visible, but it will take a boom truck to lop off the larger limbs to remove the blind spot at the intersection. That will be taken care of next week by Nat’s Tree Service.