Minutes for August 2023

The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m.

A Rocky Road resident gave a detailed description of problems he is having with cracks developing in his driveway. He contacted CCWD to report a leak. Although a repair has been done by CCWD, they referred the resident to Rocky Road to ask about the road impacting his driveway. After a lengthy discussion he was advised to contact CCWD.  

Approval of July 13 meeting minutes

Chris made a motion to approve the minutes. John seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.  

Approval of special meeting minutes from 8/7/23

Chris made a motion to approve the minutes. Pat seconded. Unanimously approved.  

Financial Report

Treasurer Pat Toepel presented the report:   Pat stated that 2 of the 3 accounts are now online which will make monitoring and tracking simpler.  

Unfinished Business – none


New Business

Public Comment

Adjournment - 7:45 p.m.