Minutes for February 2024

The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m.

Roll Call

Present – John Howsden, Curt Simmons, Mark Anderson, Marty DeMartini Volunteer note-taker Gretchen Olsen present.  

Guest Speaker

  1. Steve Palmer, the consulting Engineer Manager, introduced the report prepared by AMS. The purpose of the report was to inspect, assess, and evaluate the condition of the pavement in the District system. Road sections were rated from poor condition to good condition. A Pavement Condition Index was assigned to locations throughout the District. A Pavement Condition Index Map is included in the report. Several scenarios were developed to describe the cost to repair and maintain existing pavement at various levels. Steve recommended beginning with Scenario 2. The Board discussed funding levels to begin the overall project. Consensus to allocate $500,000 for the first 2 years was reached. This item concluded at 7:35.

Officers’ Reports:

President John Howsden shared a question received from a property owner about whether concrete driveways could be assessed at a lower rate than asphalt driveways. Treasurer Curt Simmons provided a copy of the bank statement: Checking - $27,069.18 Money Market - $895,419.90 He mentioned a couple invoices in the payment queue. He asked if he could move $13.00 into checking and closeout a small unused account. The Board agreed. Secretary Mark Anderson asked for clarification on reviewing draft minutes. Gretchen will edit the procedure and send to Mark.  

Approval of minutes:

December 14, 2023

Mark made the motion to approve the corrected minutes. Curt seconded. Unanimously approved.

January 11, 2024

Marks made the motion to approve. Marty seconded. Unanimously approved.

Special Meeting Minutes

Curt made a motion to approve, Mark seconded. 3 Aye votes with Marty abstaining.

Unfinished business:

  1. Financial Conflict of Interest – John asked County Counsel for information about Conflict-of-Interest Codes and Form 700 but has not heard back from them. Gretchen will check with CSDA about what current requirements and practices are for compliance.
  2. Pothole on Papoose -Mark responded to the resident at 1436 Papoose about a pot hole question. He plans to provide the Encroachment Permit Packet to the resident.
  3. Dirt Pile on Choctaw -Mark will take the Encroachment Permit Packet to the property owner.
  4. Emergency road repair on Chief – Mark got bids from Jim Wilson and Slaton for the repairs. Jim Wilson was awarded the job. 8 locations will be repaired through this project – 5 on Chief, 2 on Canoe, and 1 on Choctaw.
  5. Records Organization – Gretchen used Retention Record Policies from CSDA to work through 40 or so years of records. She sorted out redundant copies and then identified which records need to be permanent and which can be disposed after various lengths of time. All the records now fit in one file cabinet with a second cabinet for supplies.
  7. Easement Permit – Mark incorporated comments on the draft packet he routed for review. The packet is complete and is ready to use. The $25.00 permit fee will be used.
  8. Striping – project is essentially complete.
  9. Dues renewal for CSDA membership. John will renew after general discussion and agreement from the Board.

Adjournment – 8:21 p.m.