Minutes for January 2024

Board Members Present:

John Howsden, Adam Robertson, Curt Simmons, Mark Anderson, Marty DeMartini  

The Meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.

John asked the Board whether the public comment time slot should be moved from the last item on the agenda to the beginning of the meeting. It was discussed and agreed to move the time slot. Approval of minutes moved to later in meeting.

Officers Reports:

Treasurer’s Report:

Curt will turn in paperwork to the bank for him to be added to the accounts. He did further research on obtaining a credit card for Rocky Road. He recommended a corporate card. A motion was made and seconded to get a corporate credit card with a $2000 limit which is aligned with the existing purchasing policy in the Procedures Manual. The motion passed unanimously. All Board members will receive a card. Adam will send a list of bills that need to be paid by credit card to Curt.

Tech Support:

Adam will be leaving the Board as he will be moving out of state soon. He will continue to make minor adjustments to the website until he leaves. He is open to helping with bigger projects even after he moves as he works remotely already. He will coordinate with Mark to hand over website tasks. He reminded the Board that he set up a Stripe account some time ago to be able to accept payments.

Unfinished business:

Marty reminds the board to review the draft budget that he distributed at the December meeting and provide comments for discussion. John has some written comments he will give Marty. A budget discussion was not yet scheduled.


John created a posterboard listing the 2023 accomplishments of Rocky Road CSD. It is an impressive list of items and represents considerable challenging work by the previous and current Board members. Denise DeMartini offered to proof an edit the list so it can be added to the website

New Business:

Road Striping Update:

Marty gave an update on the recent road striping project. It is almost complete and generally has been well received and appreciated by our members. Marty asks for feedback and to pass any noted problems on to him as he is coordinating with the contractor. A couple of contract items remain to be completed such as street sweeping and stop sign road markings.

Credit Card update:

Addressed during Treasurer’s report

CPA search:

Curt consulted with some CPAs and was told that our District finances are relatively simple and the price we pay for audits is reasonable. After some discussion, the Board agreed that our current Audit consultant is working well for our district.

Manual and Easement Update:

Mark distributed a complete draft packet for review and comment. He has updated old text and verified that the most current County standards are included in the packet.

The Policy Manual is another project that needs updates and input.

Recordkeeping Update:

The files have been removed from the HOA conference room to John’s garage. Tables have been set up so Gretchen can spread out all the records and see which ones must be retained and which can be archived or disposed. She is using the retention policy and schedule received from the CSDA – Community Service District Association.


A correction to the December minutes will be made to include the discussion about the road easement definition. The minutes will be brought back to the February board meeting.

Gretchen distributed a draft procedure for reviewing and posting minutes. It was decided that:

The notetaker will type up board meeting minutes and send them to the Secretary.

The Secretary will review and edit the draft and then send it to the board members.

The Board will consider the draft minutes at the next board meeting.

The Secretary will post approved minutes to the website.

Sending out a flyer about Rocky Road:

John started a discussion about creating a flyer that could be posted, mailed, or handed out to describe what Rocky Road is and what the goals are. The Board is agreeable. No action planned yet.


The Board asked that the HOA send an invoice to Rocky Road for room rental for 2024.


Adam announced that this would be his last meeting as he is preparing to sell his house and move to Michigan. The Board thanked him for all his hard work and participation in helping the Board get back on track after the last difficult years. Adam’s work on the website enabled us to be compliant with the requirements that community service districts must fulfill.

Adam brought in the laptop that Rocky Road provided and gave it to Gretchen for the time being. He has a printer that was donated to him that he will take to John’s house for possible scanning projects.

Public Comments:


Adjournment – 7:40 p.m.