Minutes for May 2023

Board Members Present: Board Members Absent:    

The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m.

Approval of the April meeting minutes was deferred to the May meeting because one of the absent Board members had questions.

Financial Report – President Chris Doran presented the financial report because Treasurer Pat Toepel was absent. There is $41,000 in checking, $471,265 in savings, and $269,244 in money market.


Old Business:


Open Forum #1


There were no questions or comments from the public.


New Business:


Open Forum #2

A resident mentioned that he had experienced significant additional storm water runoff from neighboring properties that have diverted storm water from their properties downstream onto his lot. It was suggested that he contact the County also.

A handout was shared that listed various entities providing weed whacking services in our area.


The meeting was adjourned shortly before 7 p.m.