Minutes for October 2023

Call to Order 6:11pm

Roll Call - Present

Approval of September Minutes

officer report:

unfinished business—approval of minutes for august

new business:

    1. Larry Bain completing letter from State Controller
      • Letter dated Nov 17, 2022 received
      • John Spoke with Marina Lewis, County Counsel, she recommends sending it to Larry Bain to deal with
    2. Larry Bain doing last year’s audit
      • John to get cost for last years audit. He has letter of engagement from Larry.
      • Adam motioned to approve Larry Bain to do last years audit with a not to exceed amount of $4,000. Mark seconded the motion. Passed unanimously
    3. Discuss process on approving minutes (Gretchen)
      • Gretchen not available, hold over until November Meeting
    4. Reimburse President Howsden $75.11 for Office Supplies
      • Total of 3 expense reports for John for Safe T Lite
        • $68.78 + 340.68 + 55.53 = $514.99
      • Adam motioned to approve John’s 3 expenses, Marty seconded motion, passed unanimously
    5. Schedule/Organize our records (Gretchen)
      • Gretchen not available, hold over until November Meeting
    6. Who is doing this year’s budget
      • Gretchen not available, hold over until November Meeting, she has offered to help with the budget
    7. Partnership with HOA on encroachment permits and process (Mark)
      • Mark wrote letter to HOA and received a response of "No".
      • Discussion on working with County Public Works. Marty will start this discussion with Doug Oliver.
    8. Do we need an accountant
      • Curt suggested quarterly reviews
      • He has applied to be on the Rocky Road Board, John asked if once he is on the board, would he be willing to do this, he said yes
    9. Review audit safeguards (John)
      • Gretchen not available, hold over until November Meeting
    10. County resolution on foreclosure sales (John)
      • Discussed earlier
    11. DRM bidding on Choctaw Rd. and Quiver Rd. (Marty)
      • DRM withdrew quote due to concern of conflict of interest, living in area
      • Marty received 2 new proposals
        • BJ Slaton in Sonora quoted $20,912.50
          • Includes list of items to be done
          • Prevailing wage quote
          • Mark requested adding repairs on Canoe, Chief, Choctaw, and Quiver. Mark will spray paint the areas
          • Mark motioned to approve BJ Slaton quote for road repairs, not to exceed $24,999, that would include as many of the Canoe, Chief, Choctaw, and Quiver locations as can be done for that amount. Adam seconded. Passed unanimously
    12. BMC Yard Service hired for sign replacement ($550.00)
      • These are the vandalism repairs, to be done the week of 10/16/23
      • Crisp Street Signs ordered, delivered to John’s home.
      • John bought signs from Safe T Lite.
      • Discussion on it being a good idea to have backup.
      • John motioned to pay Crisp for the signs, not to exceed $600.00 Adam seconded motion. Passed unanimously.
    1. Award 2023 Striping Project Contract to Central Striping Service, the Amount of 113,504.90.
      • Marty did a Zoom call with Steve Palmer regarding the bid process to have the striping done.
      • 2 vendors responded to bid request
        • Central Striping $113,504.90
        • Crisp @ $20k more than Central Striping
      • Steve reviewed both proposals, both looked in order and recommends going with Central Striping
        • Central Striping’s quote includes street sweeping and a clause about work to be done per “Department of Transportation Standards”
        • Mark commented the quote includes replacing missing reflectors, nothing said about damaged reflectors.
        • Marty motioned to approve and award contract to Central Striping, per construction agreement for 2023 striping project, Adam seconded motion. Passed unanimously
        • Steve also recommends approving the contract with Central Striping with an approval of 10% / $11,350.49 for any change orders
        • Marty motioned to authorize board president (John) to approve change orders for Central Striping, per construction agreement for 2023 striping project for up to 10% / $11,350.49. Mark seconded motion. Passed unanimously.
    2. Return Skinner’s $75.00 check for encroachment permit
    3. Discuss damage on Canoe Street and Encroachment Application
      • John motioned to return Mrs Skinners check, Rocky Road will not process any fees until a better process is in place. Marty seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.
      • Someone also requested an encroachment permit on the website.
      • Let both parties know if their intention is to add a driveway to go ahead and do it, following HOA and County guidelines. 

public announcements - none

adjournment 7:30pm