President John Howsden called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Roll Call
John Howsden
Curt Simmons attending in person.
Mark Anderson attending by phone due to illness.
Also attending:
Steve Palmer - General Manager Consultant for the District –attending by phone.
Volunteer note taker Gretchen Olsen and Volunteer Kim Clark attending in person.
Approval of Minutes:
Mark moved approval of the September Minutes.
Curt seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.
Old Business:
Item 4 – Accept the 2024 Micro surfacing Project as Complete and Approve Filing of the Notice of Completion on the new business section of the agenda was considered next so Steve Palmer could explain his staff report and recommendation. Steve presented a draft Notice of Completion and a draft resolution as well.
Steve updated the PCI (Pavement Condition Index) table to reflect the work just completed by contract with VSS. The table displayed the improvement to all the sections of roadway that were addressed with this contract. Inspection and evaluation of the pavement should be conducted every few years to maintain reasonable condition of the District roads.
Curt made a motion to pass Resolution 2024-06 Notice of Completion. Mark seconded. The Resolution was approved unanimously.
Steve explained that John needs to take the signed Notice of Completion to the County Recorder and send him copies to provide to the contractor and subcontractors.
John asked if there was a warranty on this work. There is a 1-year warranty. Steve recommended that pictures be taken and dated as soon as possible on any areas of concern.
Curt had a question about the VSS invoice which was $40,000 less than the expected amount. Steve explained that it is standard practice to retain a percentage for 30 days so that any discrepancies with subcontractors can be sorted out. Curt will pay the invoiced amount.
Steve signed off from the meeting at this point.
Treasurer Report
Curt went over a copy of the Audit Management Report. Six deficiencies were noted. Most of them have already been resolved. One of the recommendations is to hire an accounting firm. This has been discussed over the years and the opinions of the Boards have been that the business of the District is so limited that the expense would be burdensome compared to the potential value of an accounting firm. The cost of the audit was $4500.
Curt will start gathering documents for the next audit.
The checking account balance is $1297. The Public Funds Money Market balance is $850,037.
Curt noticed a $10,000 item for the County Pool and asked what it meant. John will ask Robin with the County Records office about it.
Curt is current on invoice payments. Curt and John will sign the check for payment to VSS tonight.
Secretary Report
Mark is all caught up with posting agendas and minutes on the website.
New Business
Replace two missing stop signs. John will order another new stop sign. Mark will install a new one at Quail Hill and Copper Cove.
Recommending a two-signature check requirement. - The District has a current policy to require two signatures on check over $2000. The Board agreed to continue this policy. Curt will research getting checks printed for two signatures.
Recommend parallel accounting system. The Treasurer will bring original invoices, receipts, and payment documents to the filing cabinets periodically. The president will keep copies of these documents in their binder. The Treasurer may keep copies as well.