Minutes for September 2024

President John Howsden called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

Roll Call 

Approval of Minutes


Officers’ Reports:

Unfinished Business:


Public Comment:

New Business:
  1. District’s jurisdiction on Black Creek Road south of Quill Road.
    1. John spoke with the County Planning department to verify where the County responsibility for road maintenance on Black Creek ends – which is where RRCSD responsibility begins. From the Copper Cove center line, it is 1,175 feet to the north. At that point, RRCSD takes on road maintenance responsibilities.
  2. Confirmation of who is serving on the Board.
    1. John talked to Robin at the County Clerk’s office to verify that the County has Mark and Curt listed as current RRCSD Directors. A statement was made by a member of the public at the August meeting that the County only had John Howsden listed as a director.
    2. A review of the upcoming terms, vacancies, and appointments was discussed.
  3. County Counsel request the Board to delegate an officer or position to request and receive legal opinions on behalf of RRCSD from the County Counsel Office.
    1. Mark made a motion that RRCSD responds as follows:
      1. Authority is hereby delegated to the President of RRCSD (the Delegated Officer) to request and receive legal opinions from the County Counsel’s Office of Calaveras County. Notwithstanding this delegation of authority, the Delegated Officer shall keep te Board apprised of any legal matter involving any issues that have the potential for significant liability. The Delegated Officer shall have no authority of redelegation.
    2. Curt seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
  4. Board members submitting new applications for Board appointments.
    1. John passed out the applications to Mark and Curt and they plan to turn them in promptly.
  5. Progress report on VSS Internation, Inc. Micro surfacing project.
    1. Mark talked about Change Order # 1 for the project. The cost was covered by the contingency fund included in the contract as well as some adjustments in the line items. The project schedule begins 9/16 and ends 9/21. The micro surfacing slurry will be applied Monday and Tuesday. Striping will be on Friday and Saturday.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.